10 Minutes With Gordon Buchanan


Our friend and supporter Gordon Buchanan is currently spending his time in isolation in a hotel room in Australia. He flew over to film wildlife but not surprisingly, was asked to quarantine for two weeks. If you follow Gordon on Instagram you will have seen his rather entertaining posts showing the views from his room, and the [below average] food that is left daily outside his room. So sorry Gordon we feel for you.

With a bit of free time on his hands, we asked Gordon to do a quick Q&A for us which we are delighted to share with you. We love his answer to question number 7!

Thanks for doing this Gordon, and we hope you are set free soon!

Follow Gordon on Instagram HERE.

1. Which charities or organisations are you a patron / ambassador / supporter of?

Patron of; Trees for Life, Wild Things, Population Matters, The Environment Trust, The Environmental Justice Foundation and The Isle of Mull Otter group. Supporter/ambassador for RSPB and the Scottish Wildlife Trust. Greenpeace supporter.

2. Where is your favourite place in the world to see wildlife?

I got a real thrill of seeing wildlife even on my own doorstep. In a boat off the west coast of Scotland in the summer is hard to beat. Whales, dolphins, sea birds basking sharks. The list goes on!

3. Best wildlife experience?

My first ever trip to East Africa was to spend two months camping out in the wilds of the Serengeti. There was only me, a driver and a cook. And of course tens of thousands of zebra and wildebeest, lions, hyenas, giraffes and as before the list goes on!

4. What animal / wildlife spectacle is still on your wish list?

I've always wanted to see killer whales hunting mammals. Particularly when they beach themselves catching fur seals in South America.

5. Which wild animal do you think needs more awareness raising about its decline?

Oh dear, there are so many. I'd like to see more support and awareness given to the gorillas in Kahuzi Biega National Park in the Democratic Republic of Congo. That is where gorilla watching first began back in the 1980’s. Since then, war and civil unrest has made it difficult place to rekindle what was once a very buoyant eco-tourism industry.

6. Biggest Pet Peeve relating to wildlife?

Land use in Scotland has to be radically re-thought. Too much land devoted to too few species for the benefit of too few people.

7. What would you do if you had a free hour?

Given that I am eight days into a 14 day period of isolation in a hotel room in Australia. If I had a free hour I would run like Forrest Gump and keep running. Of course, only until the hour was up.

8. One piece of advice for the next generation of naturalists?

Do all that you can to protect, preserve and restore the natural world. Create a future that your descendants can be proud of you for.

9. Can you give us a “teaser” as to what you will be doing this year for the BBC?

Sadly this year I've been doing more watching BBC than making programs for the BBC. We do have a very exciting two part series that will be on over Christmas. I am not allowed to say what the animal is at the moment but they are fast…

10. Favourite Creature Candy design?

I love the hedgehog design but the Puffin image is close to my heart. It's great that Creature Candy has been helping save The Scottish Seabird Centre. It is the number one place in Scotland to learn about puffins and I have visited many times. It would be a travesty if its doors were to close.

Gordon Loves…..